#!/usr/local/bin/perl # $Header: /e/u/j/local-repository/htdocs/www/software/.auto-index/20011007,v 2008/03/12 10:52:26 makoto Exp $ # use strict; # 簡単に出来ない理由は sub init で宣言している変数が多いから ## ------------------------------------- ## list of current subroutines ## ------------------------------------- ## sub copy_html { ## sub show_doc { ## sub find_file { # 数字を指定しなくても、それ以外の情報から探す ## sub get_mtime { ## sub cache_is_old { ## sub show_menu { ## sub leading_space { ## sub get_cache { ## sub header { ## sub init { ## ------------------------------------- ## $main::DEBUG = 1; init(); # see bottom # ------------------------------------------------- # C H D I R and G E T F I L E L I S T # ------------------------------------------------- $LN = $ACCEPT_LANG[0]; # pickup the first candidate only ( with comma(.), .ja etc) push(@errors, "**(12) \$LN($LN)
\n") if $main::DEBUG; push(@errors, "**(26) ACCEPT_LANG: ". join(';',@ACCEPT_LANG)."
\n") if $main::DEBUG; chdir $DOC_DIR; opendir(DIR,'.') || push(@errors," ** problem opening dir". `pwd` . "
\n"); @list = grep /^[1-8].*$SUFFIX\...$/, readdir(DIR); closedir(DIR); push(@errors, '* getting file list'."SUFFIX($SUFFIX)LN($LN)
\n") if $main::DEBUG; push(@errors, '@list: '. join(' ',@list)."
\n") if $main::DEBUG; $mtime = get_mtime(@list); # ------------------------------------------------- # U P D A T E $mtime for $0 $HEAD $FOOT # (mtime の値に正確を期す) # ------------------------------------------------- foreach ( $0, $HEAD, $FOOT, '.' ) { my $mmm = (stat($_))[9]; if ( $mmm > $mtime ) { $mtime = $mmm;}} $mtime_str = scalar(localtime($mtime)); # ------------------------------------------------- # T A K E C A R E C A C H E # ( 必要に応じて Cache を作り直す) # ------------------------------------------------- if ( -f '00.head'.$SUFFIX.$LN ) { $HEAD = '00.head'.$SUFFIX.$LN;} else { $HEAD = '00.head'.$SUFFIX;} if ( -f '00.foot'.$SUFFIX.$LN ) { $FOOT = '00.foot'.$SUFFIX.$LN ;} else { $FOOT = '00.foot'.$SUFFIX ; } $CACHE = '/tmp/.' . $my_name. '.yy'; push(@errors, "LN($LN) suffix($SUFFIX) files:\n ".join(' ', @list)."
\n") if $main::DEBUG; my @cache; # get cache info onto @cache AND $CACHE (sync @cache and $CACHE if ( cache_is_old($mtime,$CACHE,@list)) { @cache = get_cache($CACHE,@list); open(CACHE,">$CACHE") || push(@errors, " ** problem open to write CACHE($CACHE): $!
\n"); print CACHE @cache; close(CACHE);} else { open(CACHE,$CACHE) || push(@errors, " ** problem open to reading CACHE($CACHE): $!
\n"); @cache = ; close(CACHE);} # ------------------------------------------------- # ここから印刷開始 # ------------------------------------------------- open(STDOUT,"|$NKF -j") || push(@errors, " problem opening STDOUT: ". $!."
\n"); print 'Last-modified: '. $mtime_str . "\n"; print "Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-2022-jp\n\n"; $KEYWORD = '00.keyword'; if ( -f $KEYWORD ) { open(KEYWORD); $keywords = ; # one line only chomp($keywords); # assuming one line only close(KEYWORD);} my $PATH_INFO_short = $PATH_INFO; $PATH_INFO_short =~ s/\.html$//; header($base_name . $PATH_INFO_short, $keywords); push(@errors, "**(61) PATH_INFO($PATH_INFO) \$LN($LN)
\n") if $main::DEBUG; ####if ( $PATH_INFO ne '' ) { # ------------------------------------------------- # PATH_INFO に指定がある時にはその文書を表示 # ------------------------------------------------- show_doc($PATH_INFO,@ACCEPT_LANG); #### } #### else { # ------------------------------------------------- # PATH_INFO に指定のない時には既定値を表示 # ------------------------------------------------- #-# print "

Last update: ". $mtime_str. "

\n"; #-# copy_html($HEAD); #-# show_menu($PATH_INFO,$base_name.'/'); # to add base_name on link #-# copy_html($FOOT);} #### show_doc('purpose'.$SUFFIX,$LN);} # fixed initial file, in this case print @errors; exit; # -------------------------------------------------------------- # S U B R O U T I N E S # -------------------------------------------------------------- sub copy_html { local($FILE) = shift; if ( -f $FILE ) { open(FILE,$FILE) || push (@errors, " ** copy_html: problem opening FILE($FILE) to copy: $!
\n"); print ; close(FILE);}} sub show_doc { my ($file) = shift; # based on PATH_INFO my (@Accept_lang) = @_; # push(@errors, "**(124) Accept_lang: ". join(';',@Accept_lang)."
\n"); my ($entry_name) = 'purpose'; # default; my ($base) = ''; if ( $file eq '/' ) { $file = $entry_name; } elsif ( $file eq '' ) { $file = $entry_name; $base = $SCRIPT_NAME .'/'; # to adjust menu URL } else { $file =~ s|^/||; } print "\n"; print "\n
\n"; # be carefull navigator support # ------------ # M E N U # ------------ push(@errors, "** show_doc (98) file($file) \$LN($LN)
\n") if $main::DEBUG; my @lang_selection_of_this = show_menu($file,$base,@Accept_lang); print "
\n"; # ------------ # B O D Y # ------------ # check if the other lang is available. (info from menu processing) # print 'lang: ', join(',',@lang),'file: ', $file,'@Accept_lang: ', join(','),@Accept_lang,"
\n"; my $other_file = '()'; my $other_list = ''; if ( $#lang_selection_of_this >0 ) { foreach my $l (@lang_selection_of_this) { $other_list .= "$l | ";} print 'Other lanugage: ', $other_list,"
\n";} my ($next,$next_link); if (($FILE,$next) = find_file_x($file,@Accept_lang)) { # accept_lang ? open(FILE) || push(@errors, " ** show_doc: problem opening file($FILE): ".$!." DOC_DIR($DOC_DIR)
\n"); print ; close(FILE);} else { print "(93)** show_doc: DOC_DIR($DOC_DIR),file($file) not found
\n";} print "

Last update: ". $mtime_str. "

\n"; copy_html($FOOT); print "
\n"; if ( $next ) { $next_link = $next; $next_link =~ s|^\d+\.||; # remove digits $next_link =~ s|\...$||; # remove lang part # print "base_name($base_name) href_adjust($href_adjust)
\n"; # print "URI($URI) FILE($FILE)
\n"; if ( $URI =~ m|$base_name/| ) { # requested with slash print "next($next_link)\n";} else { print "next($next_link)\n";} } print "


\n"; } sub find_file_x { # 数字を指定しなくても、それ以外の情報から探す my ($PATH) = shift; my (@Accept_lang) = @_; # push(@errors, "**(212) Accept_lang: ". join(';',@Accept_lang)."
\n"); my (@cache_copy) = @cache; # make copy, global variable my $this = ''; my $next = undef(); my $found = 0; while( $_ = shift(@cache_copy)) { # push(@errors,"reading($_)
\n"); if ( $found ) { # if found, preserve next page and exit $next = filename($_); if ($next) {last}} # elsif (/^File;;.*\.$PATH\./) { elsif (/\.$PATH/) { $this = filename($_,@Accept_lang); $found++}} push(@errors,"(224) find_file_x: this($this) next($next)PATH($PATH) ($_)
") if $main::DEBUG; ($this,$next); } sub filename { my $line = shift ; my @Accept_lang = @_; # push(@errors,"filename($line)
\n"); my @languages = split($LL,$line); my $File = shift @languages; $File =~ s/^File;;(.*)/$1/; my ($num,$file,$lang) = (); foreach my $al (@Accept_lang) { # use the first one $al =~ s|^\.||; my @found = grep /LANG\($al\)/,@languages ; push(@errors,"(214) filename: al($al) found(",join('+',@found),"
\n") if $main::DEBUG; push(@errors,"(217) filename: al ($al) this($this) num($num) file($file) lang($lang)
\n") if $main::DEBUG; push(@errors,"(218) filename: File($File) filename($line)
\n") if $main::DEBUG; $this = $File.'.'.$al; if ( $this) { last } } $this; } sub get_mtime { my @list = @_; my $file; my $time = 0 ; foreach $file (@list) { my $mtime = (stat($file))[9]; if ( $mtime > $time ) { $time = $mtime ;}} ## finding max $mtime return $time ;} sub cache_is_old { my $mtime = shift; my $CACHE = shift; if ( (stat($CACHE))[9] < $mtime ) { return 1; } return 0; } sub show_menu { # 専ら CACHE から読む my($this_file) = shift; # my($base) = shift; # higher level of URL my(@Accept_lang) = @_ ; # in case of explicit URL is being requested. # my($LN) = shift; # in case of explicit URL is being requested. push(@errors, " ** show_menu: (161). \$LN($LN)
\n") if $main::DEBUG; my($file,$line); my($T_BG); # target background color my($BG); my(@heads); my @langs; # #filename ; by lang; .... print " \n"; $BG = $DARK; # $lines[0] = File;;filename $LL # $lines[1] = LANG(..)$RRdigit;; header$RR digit;; header .... $LL # $lines[2] = LANG(..)$RRdigit;; header$RR digit;; header .... $LL # ....for example ... # LANG(en) $RR 1 ;; NetBSD/iBook $RR 4;; More disk $LL my(@tmp_cache) = @cache; # work on copy of global @array, not on original my $yes_this_file = 0; my @return = (); # just to get multiple lang info for this page while ($_ = shift @tmp_cache) { # line per file; chomp; # ------------ # split by $LL (L = Lang, i.e. for each LANG @langs = split(/$LL/,$_); # $RR は 一行の中の record 区切子 # ------------------------------- $file = shift @langs; # the first record has filename; $file =~ s/File;;(\d+)\.(.*)//; # Magic 文字列を消して $num = $1; $file = $2; push(@errors, " ** (187) file($file) this_file($this_file)
\n") if $main::DEBUG; # -------------------------------- if ( $file eq $this_file) { # 背景を変化させるので、自分かどうか見る $yes_this_file++; $T_BG = $THIS_BG;} else { $yes_this_file = 0; $T_BG = $BG;} print " \n"; if ($BG eq $DARK) { $BG = $LIGHT } else { $BG = $DARK } # if ( $yes_this_file ) { push(@errors,"(336) while: $_
\n") if $mail::DEBUG; @return = keys %MULE; push(@errors, '(339) while: this_file('.$this_file.') debug: '.join(':', @return)."
\n") if $mail::DEBUG; $yes_this_file = 0; } %MULE=(); } # end while ($_ = shift print "
",$menu_font_b ; foreach $lang ( @langs ) { # of this (cache) line # ------------ # split by $RR (R = Record) my (@heads) = split(/$RR/,$lang) ; # split further to each header my $LANG = shift @heads; # first line (of splitted by $RR) has LANG info push(@errors, "** (212) \$LANG($LANG)
\n")if $main::DEBUG; $LANG =~ /LANG\((..)\)/; # pick up en or ja etc. $LANG = $1; push(@errors, "** (215) \$LANG($LANG)
\n") if $main::DEBUG; foreach $head (@heads) { # ここでどの LANG を表示すればいいか分っているので、 # 本来ならそちらだけを表示すればいい ? if ( $MULE{$LANG} ) { # continuing $MULE{$LANG} .= $RR. $head } else { # the very first entry, $RR is not required $MULE{$LANG} = $head }}} # accumulate menu info in this hash # ここで どの lang を(主として)表示すればいいか判断してしまう push(@errors, " (310)",join(':',@Accept_lang,"
\n")) if $main::DEBUG; foreach my $LN ( @Accept_lang) { $LN =~ s/^\.//; # strip .en to en etc push(@errors, " (313): LN($LN) MULE($MULE{$LN})
\n") if $main::DEBUG; if ( $LN && $MULE{$LN} ) { $head = $MULE{$LN} } # preferenced passed to this routine, # else { $head = $MULE{'en'} } # else default, should take $Default_LN XXX } # ----------------------------------------------------- # prepare HTML for headers (actually printing my $count = 0; foreach my $h ( split($RR,$head) ) { ($level,$head) = split(/$DD/,$h); leading_space($level); push(@errors, " (230): LN($LN) L($level) head($head)
\n") if $main::DEBUG; if ( $count++ ) {print "
";} # need separator between headers if ( $level == 2 || $level == 1 ) { print "$head" ;} else { print "$head" ;} print "\n"; } # foreach my $h print "$menu_font_e
"; # \n を付けると右側が空く ? no push(@errors, '(343) show_menu: '.join(':', @return)."
\n") if $mail::DEBUG; @return; } # to notify the language selection on this page sub leading_space { my($level) = shift; $level -= 2; # 2 is baseline while ( $level-- > 0 ) { print '   ';}} sub get_cache { # generate CACHE -- format is: one line per file, # $RR := record delimiter # File;;filename$RR(level);;(title)$RR(level);;(title)\n" # ---is to be read as ---------------------- # (old) (new) # File;;filename File;;filename(lang) # (level);;(title) (level);;(title) # (level);;(title) (level);;(title) # -------------------------------------------------------- # from 2001/02/03 on, the new format is: # File;;filename$LL LANG(lang)$RR(level);;(title)$RR(level);;(title)\n" # 番号(数字の部分)が同じだったら縮退させる my $CACHE = shift; my @list = @_; my $file; my @headings; my $line; foreach $FILE (sort @list) { push(@errors," (196) ** updating cache: $FILE
\n") if $main::DEBUG; my $pwd = `pwd`; chomp($pwd); my $nkf_command = "$NKF -e $FILE"; open(FILE,"$nkf_command |") || push(@headings, " ** problem doing $nkf_command: $!
\n"); my $count = 0; $title = ''; $FILE =~ s/$SUFFIX\.(..)$//; my $lang = $1; $FILE =~ /(\d+)\.(\w+)/ ; my $num = $1; my $name = $2; $line = 'LANG('.$lang.')'.$RR; while() { chomp; if ( m|(.*)|i ) { $level = $1; $title = $2; $count++; $line .= "$level$DD$title$RR";}} close(FILE); $HEADING{$num} .= $LL.$line ; $FILENAME{$num} = 'File'.$DD.$num.'.'. $name . $SUFFIX ; } my @lines =(); foreach (sort keys %HEADING ) { push(@lines, $FILENAME{$_}.$HEADING{$_},"\n")} @lines; } sub header { my $title = shift; my $keywords = shift; if ( $keywords ne '' ) { $KEY = " ";} print < $CSS_LINK $title $KEY HEAD } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # I N I T # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub init { $rcsid = q$Id: 20011007,v 2008/03/12 10:52:26 makoto Exp $; $rcsid =~ s/Id: .*,v //; $rcsid =~ s| \d+:\d+:\d+ .*||; $my_name = $0; $my_name =~ s#(.*)/##; $my_path = $0; $my_path =~ s|/[^/]+$||; $base_name = $my_name; $base_name =~ s/\.cgi$//; #--------------------- push(@INC,$my_path); require 'cgi-lib.pl'; $SUFFIX = '.html'; ReadParse(); $URI = $ENV{'REQUEST_URI'}; $HTTP_HOST = $ENV{'HTTP_HOST'}; $SCRIPT_NAME = $ENV{'SCRIPT_NAME'}; $SCRIPT_NAME =~ s|.*/([^/]+)$|$1|; # /software/auto-index2 -> auto-index2 $DOC_DIR = $my_path.'/.'.$base_name; if ( ! -d $DOC_DIR ) { # if exist, take it, else try find with no digit $DOC_DIR =~ s/\d$//; } # remove rightmost digit, namazu-doc2.cgi -> namazu-doc # to run test version with the old document directory $HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE = $ENV{'HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE'}; if (defined($HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE)) { # if this env variable defined, try with -en -ja etc first, # push(@errors, \[1," HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE($HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE)"]) if $main::DEBUG } push(@errors, " HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE($HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE)
\n") if $main::DEBUG; @ACCEPT_LANG = split(',',$HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE); @ACCEPT_LANG = map { $_ =~ s/ //; $_ = '.'.$_ } @ACCEPT_LANG ; # add '.' before name, say ( ja -> .ja, en -> .en) # push(@ACCEPT_LANG,''); # add null string for non-lang-suffix, say (*.ja *.en *) } $PATH_INFO = $ENV{'PATH_INFO'}; ## $PATH_INFO =~ s|^/||; # strip the very first slash(/) # strip .en, .ja and keep themselves into @ACCEPT_LANG variable if ( $PATH_INFO =~ s|(\.en)$|| || $PATH_INFO =~ s|(\.ja)$|| ) { # my $lang = $1; $lang =~ s/^\.//; unshift @ACCEPT_LANG,$1 ; } # put them on top of Language Preference, push(@errors,"init: (317)PATH_INFO($PATH_INFO)LN($ACCEPT_LANG[0])
\n") if $main::DEBUG; $NKF = '/usr/local/bin/nkf'; if ( $PATH_INFO eq '') { # ends with / or nothing push(@errors,'REQUEST_URI('.$ENV{'REQUEST_URI'}."
\n") if $main::DEBUG; if ( $ENV{'REQUEST_URI'} =~ m|/$| ) { # 更に / で終っている時。... そのままで良い push(@errors, "** with /
\n") if $main::DEBUG; } else { # / が付いていない時には参照 URL に /iBook2/ を付けておく 20010106 # href を設定しているのは 2 + 1 (css) か所 $href_adjust = '/'.$base_name; push(@errors, "** without / href_adjust($href_adjust)
\n") if $main::DEBUG; }} $CSS = '00.css'; $CSS_REAL = $DOC_DIR.'/'.$CSS; # .iBook2/ push(@errors, "CSS_REAL($CSS_REAL)
\n") if $main::DEBUG; if ( -e $CSS_REAL ) { # / で終っている時 $href_adjust = 空 css = ../.iBook2/00.css # / がない時 $href_adjust = '/iBook2'; css = .iBook2/00.css $css_adjust = ''; if ( $href_adjust eq '') { $css_adjust = '../' } push(@errors, " href_adjust($href_adjust), css_adjust($css_adjust)
\n") if $main::DEBUG; push(@errors, "reading ($CSS_REAL)
\n") if $main::DEBUG; $CSS_LINK = "";} # $CSS_LINK = "";} # this depends from where.... $left_width = '20%'; $right_width = '80%'; $menu_font_b = ''; $menu_font_e = ''; $MENU_BG = '#ffffff'; $MENU_BG = '#c0c0c0'; $MAIN_BG = $MENU_BG ; $DARK = '#b0b0b0'; $LIGHT = '#d0d0d0'; # this file back ground $THIS_BG = '#e0c080'; $DD = ';;'; # delimter in the record $RR = "\001"; # delimter for record $LL = "\002"; # delimter for language, File;;filename;;number$LLja;;$LLen;; $STYLE = ''; $STYLE = "style=\"text-decoration:none\""; } __END__ # $Log: 20011007,v $ # Revision 2008/03/12 10:52:26 makoto # initial # # Revision 1.8 2001/10/06 06:00:27 makoto # Seems greate # # Revision 1.7 2001/10/06 05:56:31 makoto # debugging but seems bi-lingual OK # # Revision 1.6 2001/10/06 03:03:32 makoto # still debugging, get en+ja info from menu so far # # Revision 1.5 2001/10/06 02:38:50 makoto # debugging en page link # # Revision 1.4 2001/10/05 13:08:17 makoto # *** empty log message *** # # Revision 1.1 2001/10/04 06:12:56 makoto # Initial revision # # Revision 1.1 2001/10/04 04:28:14 makoto # Initial revision # # Revision 1.3 2001/02/12 07:17:40 makoto # remove debug messages # # Revision 1.2 2001/02/12 07:17:01 makoto # fix problem 20010210 - when / is missing # # Revision 1.1 2001/02/12 06:52:54 makoto # Initial revision # # Revision 1.4 2001/02/10 06:58:01 makoto # when .fr is added and not found, it will use .* # # Revision 1.3 2001/02/10 06:45:02 makoto # fairy good, but i have problem if '.fr' added. # # Revision 1.2 2001/01/06 05:26:24 makoto # CSS was adjusted before href_adjust initialized # # Revision 1.1 2001/01/06 05:20:15 makoto # Initial revision # # Revision 1.1 2000/11/25 07:26:44 makoto # Initial revision # # Revision 1.4 2000/10/08 06:58:12 makoto # add title # # Revision 1.3 2000/10/08 06:53:54 makoto # fairly good before menu leveling # # Revision 1.2 2000/10/08 03:22:55 makoto # temp # # Revision 1.1 2000/10/08 02:20:50 makoto # Initial revision ### if (defined($HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE)) { ### # if this env variable defined, try with -en -ja etc first, ### # push(@errors, \[1," HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE($HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE)"]) if $main::DEBUG; ### push(@errors, " HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE($HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE)
\n") if $main::DEBUG; ### my @LANG = split(',',$HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE); ### foreach $lang (@LANG) { ### my ($cand) = $DOC_DIR.'-'.$lang; ### push(@errors, " looking cand($cand)
\n") if $main::DEBUG; ### if ( -d $cand ) { ### push(@errors, " ($cand) found.
\n") if $main::DEBUG; ### push(@DOC_DIR,$cand);}} ### # if directory found, take the first candidate, fix later with XXX ### if ( $#DOC_DIR > -1 ) { ### push(@errors, 'DOC_DIR: '. join('+',@DOC_DIR)."
\n"); ### $DOC_DIR = $DOC_DIR[0]; # the first try is use prioritized one. ### }} ### push(@errors, " Now: DOC_DIR($DOC_DIR) is fixed.
\n") if $main::DEBUG; 2000/11/25 ja,en の人が 明示的に .en と来た時の link が正しくない。 purpose.pml.en と来る その時には menu に全て .en を付けておく必要がある。