Sysinst prior to NetBSD-1.4 seemed to have problem setting up network interface. To get arround the problem, dropping into shell and configure network interface manually. Network interface name ne0 may differ dependinding what PCI card you have.
Network Interface Name for ifconfig command
Ethernet Cardnetwork interface name
Macintosh internalmc0
NE2000 or compatiblene0
DEC 21x40 de0
Terminal type? [vt100] xterm
Erase is backspace.
(I)nstall, (S)hell or (H)alt ? s
# ifconfig ne0 netmask
if you will mount NFS file system 
of another NFS server, 
it is good time to mount manually 
(and say local disk /nfs when 
120-select-medium asked )
# mkdir /nfs
# mount -t nfs /nfs
To run sysinst again, type
