
WWW Homepage Access Counter
win mirror
2003/03/24, NetBSD/pkgsrc/www/wwwcount 2.5
make install
cd /export/pkgsrc/www/wwwcount/work/wwwcount2.5; yes "" | ./Count-install
Your configuration is shown below. You are only allowed to change the
cgi-bin directory. If you want to change it, edit the file Config.tmpl
and change the variable CGIBIN_DIR to the appropriate directory. Do not change
anything else.

cgi-bin directory   = /usr/pkg/libexec/cgi-bin
conf directory      = /usr/pkg/etc
digit directory     = /usr/pkg/libdata/wwwcount/digits
data directory      = /var/db/wwwcount
log directory       = /var/log
log file            = wwwcount
RGB file to install = rgb.txt
1999/12/26, wwwcount 2.5
2.6 を入れておいたが、以前の数字を引継ぐ方法が分らないので 2.5 を入れ直す。
1999/12/24, wwwcount 2.6, (NetBSD-1.4M/sparc, SS-10)
  time ./build --all
  186.871u 73.131s 8:43.71 49.6%  0+0k 262+2417io 92pf+0w
  makoto@milano  10:44:53/991224(...src/wwwcount2.6)> 
  このまま ./build --install していいか考える。
  • そのままの方が、後々覚えていなくていい
  • しかし /usr/local/etc/Counter あたりにいろいろ書くのは..
  • 多分 /usr/local/etc/Counter -> /var/spool/Counter という simlink を使うのかな。
./build --install の時に次のような質問があった。
  *Do you know the user and group id of httpd' child process [y|n]:? y
  *Enter user id of httpd's child process [no default]:? nobody
  *Enter group id of httpd's child process [no default]:? nogroup
     1  10:46   time ./build --install
     2  10:53   cd /usr/local/etc
     5  10:54   tar cf - Counter | ( cd /var/spool ; tar xvf - )
     6  10:55   mv Counter Counter-ooo
     7  10:55   ln -s /var/spool/Counter .
1999/12/12, wwwcount 2.6
  less QuickStart.txt 
  cd wwwcount2.6
  ./build --all
  ./build --install
  とやるのが本当らしいが、まず configure してしまった。その後で上

WWW Homepage counter is configured as follows. Please verify this
configuration matches your expectations.

Host system type: sparc-unknown-netbsd1.4.1
Database support: yes
  Database type = SDBM
  Include = -I/amd/komekome/home6/making/wwwcount2.6/libs/ldbm -I/amd/komekome/home6/making/wwwcount2.6/libs/sdbm
  Lib = -L/amd/komekome/home6/making/wwwcount2.6/libs/ldbm -lldbm -L/amd/komekome/home6/making/wwwcount2.6/libs/sdbm -lsdbm

TrueType font (TTF) support: no

Final Compilation Flags:
  CC       = gcc
  CFLAGS   = -g -O2 -Wall
  LIBS     = 

./build --all
+ Binaries built and copied to ./bin
/bin/ls -lt ./bin

total 1070
-rwxr-xr-x  1 makoto  uucp   44449 Dec 12 22:48 extdgts
-rwxr-xr-x  1 makoto  uucp   44867 Dec 12 22:47 mkstrip
-rwxr-xr-x  1 makoto  uucp  257369 Dec 12 22:47 Count.cgi
-rwxr-xr-x  1 makoto  uucp    4587 Dec 12 22:45 count_admin_help.cgi
-rwxr-xr-x  1 makoto  uucp     754 Dec 12 22:45 dumpdb.pl
-rwxr-xr-x  1 makoto  uucp   25825 Dec 12 22:45 count_admin.cgi
-rwxr-xr-x  1 makoto  uucp   17270 Dec 12 22:45 mwhich
-rwxr-xr-x  1 makoto  uucp   33978 Dec 12 22:45 rgbtxt2db
-rwxr-xr-x  1 makoto  uucp   73866 Dec 12 22:44 editdb
-rwxr-xr-x  1 makoto  uucp   26653 Dec 12 22:44 dumpdb
makoto@milano  22:48:09/991212(...making/wwwcount2.6)> 

makoto@tateyama  22:51:15/991214(...making/wwwcount2.6)# ./build --install
    *** You are installing Counter as root ***

Your configuration is shown below. You are only allowed to change the
cgi-bin directory. If you want to change it, edit the file Config.tmpl
and change the variable CGIBIN_DIR to the appropriate directory. Do not change
anything else.

cgi-bin directory       = /usr/local/apache/cgi-bin
conf directory          = /usr/local/etc/Counter/conf
conf file to install    = count.cfg
digit directory         = /usr/local/etc/Counter/digits
data directory          = /usr/local/etc/Counter/data
database directory      = /usr/local/etc/Counter/db
Counter database        = Countdb
Auth database           = Authdb     (you have to edit with editdb)
TrueType font directory = /usr/local/etc/Counter/fonts
Sample TrueType font    = ./data/fonts/trebuc.ttf
Log directory           = /usr/local/etc/Counter/logs
Error log file          = error.log
Visitor log file        = visitor.log
RGB file to install     = ./data/rgb.txt
Press Control-C to abort
Continue [y|n]? 

sh Counter-config

You entered:
BaseDir=  /var/apache/Counter
DigitDir= /var/apache/Counter/digits
ConfDir = /var/apache/Counter/conf
ConfFile= count.cfg
DataDir=  /var/apache/Counter/data
LogDir=   /var/apache/Counter/logs
LogFile=  Count2.4.log

Your configuration:

cgi-bin directory= /var/apache/share/cgi-bin
conf directory= /var/apache/Counter/conf
conf file= count.cfg
digit directory=/var/apache/Counter/digits
data directory=/var/apache/Counter/data
log directory=/var/apache/Counter/logs
log file=Count2.4.log
rgb file= ./wcount/rgb.txt

Continue [y|n]? y
    Now if you know what user and group id child processes of http
    server use, I can change the ownership and access permission
    accordigly. If you do not know, they are usually defined in the
    file httpd.conf with User and Group. I suggest create a unique
    user and group say httpd and set the User and Group to httpd.

*Do you know the user and group id of httpd' child process [y|n]:? y
*Enter user id of httpd's child process [no default]:? nobody
*Enter group id of httpd's child process [no default]:? nogroup
installing Count.cgi->/var/apache/share/cgi-bin
installing count.cfg->/var/apache/Counter/conf
installing sample datafile ./wcount/data/sample.dat->/var/apache/Counter/data
installing rgb.txt->/var/apache/Counter
creating Log directory /var/apache/Counter/logs
installing image strip for digit style A->/var/apache/Counter/digits/A
installing image strip for digit style B->/var/apache/Counter/digits/B
installing strip image for digit style C->/var/apache/Counter/digits/C
installing strip image for digit style D->/var/apache/Counter/digits/D
installing sample image lenna.gif->/var/apache/Counter/digits/D
installing strip image for digit style E->/var/apache/Counter/digits/E
root@a  14:23:10/981018(...making/wwwcount2.4)#