_ _ ____ _ ____ ____ ___ ____ _ _ ____ |\/| |__| | | | |__/ | \ | | |\/| | | | | | | _| |__| | \ |__/ |__| | | |__| Release 1.94.4 NEWLIST -------------------------------------------------------------------------- List names must be of the form "[a-z0-9_-]+" (in other words, letters, digits, underbars, or dashes only). List may be of mixed or upper case, but all references to the list name below must be specified in lower case EXCEPT for the -l arguments of resend and majordomo. To create a list: 1) Create an empty file called in $listdir, mode 664. 2) Create a file called ".info" in $listdir, mode 664, with the initial introductory info for the list in it. 3) Create the appropriate entries for the list in your Sendmail aliases file (/etc/aliases or a separate majordomo.aliases file.) Each list requires several aliases. For an example list called 'test', these aliases are required: test The list alias itself owner-test The owner of the list (who should get bounces) test-request The address for administrative requests. test-approval The person who approves postings to the list (for moderated lists as well as unmoderated ones) These would look like this: test: :include:/usr/test/majordomo-1.94.3/lists/test owner-test: you, test-request: "|/usr/test/majordomo-1.94.3/wrapper request-answer test" test-approval: you It's more likely that the outgoing messages to the list will be passed through "resend" to catch Majordomo commands, as well as give other useful features. A typical set of aliases without anything fancy, such as archiving or digesting, would look like this: test: "|/usr/test/majordomo-1.94.3/wrapper resend -l test test-list" test-list: :include:/usr/test/majordomo-1.94.3/lists/test owner-test: you, test-owner: you test-request: "|/usr/test/majordomo-1.94.3/wrapper majordomo -l test" Finally, a more complete set of aliases that provides digestification, archiving, and header manipulation would look like: test:"|/tools/majordomo/wrapper resend -l test -h cs.umb.edu test-outgoing" test-digest:test # I put the digest and archive programs on the outgoing list so that # messages bounced by resend don't end up in the digest or archive # unless I send them through resend explicitly. test-outgoing: :include:/usr/local/Lists/test, "| /tools/majordomo/wrapper digest -r -C -l test-digest test-digest-outgoing", "| /tools/majordomo/wrapper archive2.pl -a -m -f /usr/local/mail/archive/test/test.archive" # archive produces a monthly archive with the -m flag. test-digest-outgoing::include:/usr/local/Lists/test-digest owner-test:you, owner-test-outgoing:owner-test # note that the "-digest" and "-digest-outgoing" suffixes # are required to allow the majordomo mkdigest command, and the # config code to work properly. owner-test-digest:owner-test owner-test-digest-outgoing:owner-test test-request: "|/tools/majordomo/wrapper request-answer test" test-digest-request: "|/tools/majordomo/wrapper request-answer test-digest" test-approval:you, test-digest-approval:test-approval As you can see, setting up a list can be quite complex. You can run majordomo at the -request address (recommended), and it will handle requests such as: subscribe unsubscribe signoff without requiring the user to supply a list name. To do this set up an alias similar to: test-request: "|/tools/majordomo/wrapper majordomo -l test" Where the argument to -l is the name of the list. Hopefully in a future release of majordomo archive2.pl will be integrated into majordomo so that the frequency of archive rollover (daily, monthly, yearly) will be controllable via the config file mechanism. ***** NOTE: CONVERTING FROM A PREVIOUS MAJORDOMO VERSION ***** For those who are converting from an earlier version of majordomo, note that resend has very few command line arguments. If you don't strip the command line arguments from resend, the comments in the configuration file that deal with default values for resend will be incorrect. More examples of alias setups can be found in the file majordomo.aliases. For sendmail users, don't forget to run 'newaliases' to rebuild the alias database. 4) If the list will be archived, create an archive directory in the location specified by the $filedir and $filedir_suffix variables. 5) If the list has a digest, create a digest work (incoming) subdirectory under $digest_work_dir. Use the same name as the digest list (example: test-digest). You also must create an archive directory for the digest list as explained in step 4. 6) Finally, make sure everything is owned by user majordomo, group majordomo, and writable by both owner and group (i.e., mode 664 for files and mode 775 for directories). 7) Now issue a 'config .admin' command to Majordomo. This will cause it to create a default configuration file for the list, and send it back to you. Make any desired changes, SUCH AS CHANGING THE DEFAULT PASSWORDS, as well as adding a description, and send it back with the 'newconfig' command. Now send a test subscribe and unsubscribe, just to further verify that the list is working.