Last Update: "2007/04/23 22:12:03 makoto"
NetBSD / macppc があれば、次のような表示が得られます。
また Mac OS X でも似たような表示が出ます。
ttyp6:makoto@bologna 22:06:05/070423(...gdb/memo)> pdisk /dev/null
pdisk: Can't read block 0 from '/dev/null'
Edit /dev/null -
Command (? for help): ?
Base and length fields are blocks, which vary in size between media.
The base field can be p; i.e. use the base of the nth partition.
The length field can be a length followed by k, m, g or t to indicate
kilo, mega, giga, or tera bytes; also the length can be p; i.e. use
the length of the nth partition.
The name of a partition is descriptive text.
Commands are:
C (create with type also specified)
c create new partition (standard unix root)
d delete a partition
h help
i initialize partition map
n (re)name a partition
P (print ordered by base address)
p print the partition table
q quit editing
r reorder partition entry in map
s change size of partition map
t change a partition's type
w write the partition table
Command (? for help):
C c d p w q
また全く新しい disk の時や、全く別の用途に使っていたもの
なら i を使って初期化します。
pdisk は w で書込む前には、何も変更がされません。
作業が気に入らない時には q で終了すれば、その作業は